Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beach Trip #2

The first time we took Mariah to the beach I didn't get any pictures because I didn't want to take my SLR to the beach. For this visit we borrowed mom's camera to get some pics of the kids. Mariah really likes the beach, both the sand and the water. Chase at that age was more like me, I don't really care for either. The water is dirty and I can't see what could possible be nibbling at my feet and the sand is hot and gets everywhere. It's just one of those things you do for your kids and husband. The funniest thing is that Mariah will shove a bunch of sand into her mouth, I will wipe her clean and force to chug some water, and then I turn around and she is cramming more sand in. I don't get it, obviously she doesn't mind it or I would even venture to say she likes it!! Who knows. Both kids love it when Jordan takes them out into the water because he goes way out and tosses them up like volleyballs. I of course am standing at the edge of the water yelling at him and getting a migraine at the sight of my kids being tossed around in drowning water. You can see who the fun parent is in this situation.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

looks like fun! :)