Monday, May 17, 2010

We love local strawberries!

For about 3 years I have been taking the kids to a local strawberry farm that's cheap and kid friendly. Every year we buy like 10 pounds of strawberries and inevitably some of them go bad. This year I figured we would go once a week. This year has been the best yet, Chase actually picked the red berries instead of squeezing the heck out of them or launching them at people! I'm serious!! The had a blast. Mariah ate most of hers, but Chase picked a bunch for us. A great way to get wonderful produce and support your local crop owners.

Friday, May 14, 2010

4 Years Old!

My baby boy turned 4 this week and I am struggling with this growing up process. He constantly reminds me that he is a big boy and that he doesn't need kisses, can buckle himself in his car seat by himself, and can walk by the shopping cart instead of riding in it. I am learning to allow more freedoms, while he is learning how to earn and maintain responsibility. Everyone has a child like themselves, and Chase is mine. We are both strong willed, perfectionists and full of energy. He is a color wheel of moods and puts enthusiasm behind everything he does. I love my boy and he will always be my baby. I savor every memory and I thank God for blessing our family with this special boy.

Chase's birthday present from us and the family. Both the kids are loving it, worth every penny!!

Zoo Fun!

Notice that the Elephant's legs are crossed, very strange!

Fun with Friends!