Sunday, November 8, 2009

Playing House!

I caught Mariah playing house yesterday, narration and all. She was bounding the little people all over the house babbling every second. Every now and then I would catch the words "baby" "dog" and "ning nong" (doorbell).

Jordan was sick of Chase's moppy locks, so we had to cut them off. I was a bit sad, but I know I can grow them back. I will say that doing hair in the morning is much faster with this do!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day on the Farm!

Last Saturday mom and I took the kids to a local farm to play. They had a petting zoo, pony rides, playgrounds and lots of hay. The kids had a blast running around with the animals, Mariah especially! Chase was a bit uneasy at the thought of getting on a giant pony, but after a little coercing he got on and loved it. Mariah bounded with glee and laughter as the pony bounced her around the trail. Mariah chased after the goats and chickens like she had grown up on a farm. The baby sheep were my personal favorite! It was well worth the money and I can't wait to take the kids back.