Friday, June 26, 2009

Cool Story To Share!

I read this article in a magazine and wanted to share:

Three years ago, Mike Foster had everything he thought he wanted: a thriving design business, a new, fully loaded Infinity G35 Sports Coupe, and a 3,100-square-foot home.

"I was living within the comfortable American dream,"says the 38-year-old Corona, California resident. "But I was unsatisfied. It sounds terribly arrogant, but I began thinking, 'If this is all there is, I'm going to be really bored the rest of my life.'"

Mike grew up in California as a Christian and lived what he calls a simple, normal life. "But somewhere along the path, I was indoctrinated," he says. "I bought into what the world tells us: 'Spending, buying and financing things that we can't afford is the path to happiness.' It simply isn't true."

In what Mike calls his "first act of rebellion against consumerism, "he sold his sports car. Using this money, he paid off his car loan and paid cash for a 1993 Toyota Camry with a cracked windshield. With the $600 a month he had been paying on the sports car, he began donating to Compassion and other charities. In spring 2006, Mike founded the Junky Car Club and soon began promoting Compassion sponsorship on the club's Web site. Their membership is estimated at 6,000 plus.

Junky Car Club members are encouraged to drive older vehicles that are paid for, so they can give their money to those who are in need. "Investing in the poor, in sponsor ships for kids - that gives satisfaction I can't find in new, shiny stuff," says Mike. "We made the decision to downsize from our 3,100-square-foot home to a townhouse about half the size," says Mike. "We got rid of about 60 percent of our stuff. It's been a beautiful, kingdom-building sort of thing, getting our loves aligned." "All of us have a story. We need to step out in faith and let God do some things through us. I don't look at what I'm doing as unique - I just want my life and priorities to be different."

I enjoyed this uplifting story and I hope you did too!!

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