Grandaddy (my dad) came over the other day to bring Mariah a special birthday present he had bought for her. I had no idea what was in this little square box. What was it, a Beauty and the Beast snowglobe. I know that seems like a crazy gift for a 1-year-old, but it was a sentimental gift. First of all I love love love snowglobes. I only have a couple because I am not a clutter collector person, but I love to look at them and I even have some on my Christmas tree!! Secondly, we also call Mariah "Belle," which is the name of the character in the Beauty and the Beast movie. He said as soon as he saw it he knew he had to buy it for her. It is so beautiful and I am so glad he got it for her. She and Chase love for me to wind it up and dance to the music. I am trying to teach Chase how to slow dance to the sweet lullaby. Mariah loves it even though she can't play with it, she loves to listen to the music and watch the glitter swirl around. I am a sucker for sentimental gifts, and I just loved this one! Thanks grandaddy!!
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