Saturday, May 23, 2009

Strawberry Picking 2009!

This morning some friends and I took the kids to pick strawberries at a local farm. I was a little hesitant because of last years adventure with Chase. I will sum up last year for you: squishing, running, throwing, yelling, crying, tears, car. I'm sure you get the picture. I guess turning 3 made a big difference in his agricultural interest because he did quite well. This year was Chase's 3rd year going picking and Mariah's 1st, it's rapidly becoming a tradition. Jordan was working so I dragged mom along to help. The field was very picked over and the strawberries were mostly spoiled, but it was still nice for the kids to get out and enjoy doing something different. I have been thinking about planting my own garden to teach the kids about growing food and the importance of "organic" growing, but I am so busy with Mariah at the moment. So for now we will just enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor! By the way, the pictures are courtesy of Hannah, I forgot my camera. Thanks girl, you always get great shots!!!

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