Saturday, May 30, 2009

My cake!

I submitted Chase's George birthday cake to the coolest birthday cake website and I just found out that they used my picture! Guess they thought it looked pretty good! This website is good for getting cake ideas and tips, and just fun to browse when your bored! The link to my cake is Enjoy your cake browsing.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well visits!

Last week I took both the kids in for their well visits. Thankfully they are both doing well and very healthy, thank you Jesus.

Chase - 3 years
30 lbs (32%) and 36 in (10%)
Our pediatrician was impressed that Chase knows his colors, shapes, numbers (up to 10), and the alphabet. Unfortunately Chase is still not potty trained, which is still okay at 3 for those who are shocked, but he gave me some good tips. I tried to prepare Chase on what the doctor would do to prevent meltdowns, but the nurse threw in a surprise when she went to take his blood pressure. I was a bit nervous, but Chase did great and was very interested. I think it helped that he got a doctor kit for his birthday and we had played with the blood pressure cuff, thanks Donna!!! Oh, and just to let you moms of future 3 year olds know, at their 3 year well visit the pediatrician may check to make sure they have 2 testicles. Yeah well I didn't see that one coming either. Well he finally found both of Chase's after much WWE wrestling on the table. Great I have a whole to wait for that again!

Mariah - 9 months
16 lbs (5%) and 26 in (5%)
Mariah is keeping up with her brother. She is hitting all her milestones, and he was impressed on how fast she is moving. She is quite small for her age (in weight) but that seems to be the trend for our kids, and he wasn't over concerned. He did enlighten me on the bug spray topic. Mariah had been having bad areas of eczema, which he thinks were caused by organic deet free spray. He said to go ahead and use 10% or less deet. He said if you are going to put something on their skin it might as well work! He said that the organic deet free sprays are loaded with flower oils which can cause bad rashes and eczema in some kids, interesting!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Strawberry Picking 2009!

This morning some friends and I took the kids to pick strawberries at a local farm. I was a little hesitant because of last years adventure with Chase. I will sum up last year for you: squishing, running, throwing, yelling, crying, tears, car. I'm sure you get the picture. I guess turning 3 made a big difference in his agricultural interest because he did quite well. This year was Chase's 3rd year going picking and Mariah's 1st, it's rapidly becoming a tradition. Jordan was working so I dragged mom along to help. The field was very picked over and the strawberries were mostly spoiled, but it was still nice for the kids to get out and enjoy doing something different. I have been thinking about planting my own garden to teach the kids about growing food and the importance of "organic" growing, but I am so busy with Mariah at the moment. So for now we will just enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor! By the way, the pictures are courtesy of Hannah, I forgot my camera. Thanks girl, you always get great shots!!!

Belated Presents!

Jordan and I are trying to fix up the front of our house little by little, even though that is very hard for me. So for my birthday I asked my parents for a bench to put on our front porch. Well since my birthday was in January and patio furniture isn't really in high demand in the dead of winter, I had to wait. So Mothers Day weekend my parents took me out to pick out a bench. I wanted something simple but cute and I finally found the perfect one. My mom bought me some hanging baskets for out porch for Mothers Day, they really make the front of the house look nice. The funny thing is that everyone who comes into my house hits their head on the basket, it is really getting hilarious. Look up people!!!

Now that Chase has a workbench (birthday present), he has been using his tools all over the house. He was so excited to help daddy put the screws in, unfortunately daddy just wanted to finish the project!

Finished!! I love it. Now I need to get some flowers around it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chase's Birthday!

It has been a crazy week for me, so it is a week late that I am posting birthday pictures. Sorry! We did a small party this year, just close friends and family. With two kids it is getting harder to do some things. We did a Curious George theme this year, anything to get away from Thomas the Train!!! So on request from my 3-year-old, I had to make a "George face cake." I do have to mention that after being up bright and early that Saturday, slaving away for the George cake, and proudly displaying my efforts to him, he says "Mama, I don't want a George face birthday cake, I want Thomas." I kept the grumblings to myself said what any mother would have said, "Maybe next year dear."

The George face cake! Three hours to make and only 5 minutes to eat!!
Jordan told me to send it in to Ace of Cakes, but I think they could do much better.

I think at three, kids finally have the excitement of ripping paper.

Chase's present from Grammy and Grandaddy (my parents), a Home Depot workbench. Its actually quite neat, it has pretend wood with things you can make. Not to mention the very loud circular saw Jordan bought to go with it.

Chase's first bike, a present from Paw Paw and Dana (Jordan's parents).

Uncle Dave showing Chase how to really ride a bike.

The kids first dinner party outside, apparently there was lots to chat about!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Years Old!

It's amazing to me how fast 3 years goes by. I remember that scary day when Chase was born and I thought that he might not make it. I remember having to leave the hospital empty handed and trusting strangers to care for my most treasured gift. I remember the day we took him home from the hospital, fragile and small. I remember feeling peace, that God would protect his child.

Chase is a "Mama's Boy" to the fullest. He can be sweet and sensitive, but is very strong-willed and stubborn. He lives each day with a burst of energy. He always has a colorful expression on his face and a crazy thought in his head. I love to watch his face tense with thought when faced with a challenge and then gleam with satisfaction. He has definitely been a challenging child with all of his temper tantrums, attitudes and moods, but I have learned to rise to the challenge. In three years I have learned: never ever wake him up, always have a snack ready, be consistent with discipline and never ever skip his nap! I never thought I could love someone so much until my eyes saw him. Happy Birthday Chase, mommy and daddy love you!!!!
(Chase at 3 months old)