Monday, February 9, 2009

Sweet Potatoes

Mariah has been interested in other peoples food for a while now, so finally I gave in and bought her some baby food. I like to make my own baby food, but with two kids now I think the organic baby jar food will do just fine. I decided not to start with the rice cereal or oatmeal because Chase always hated it and I don't really see the point anyway. Veggies are much healthier and much tastier! I have been giving them to her for about two weeks now and she seems to love them. You can tell that she doesn't really know what she is supposed to do with it, but she likes the taste. After I take the spoon out of her mouth her tongue starts wiggling and she starts talking for more. I think the next veggie on the list will be squash. I did give her a piece of baby toast today, but she made quite the gaggy face. Oh well, Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

shes so expressive :)