Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog!!!!

Well, the new topic around the Binder household is a dog. Jordan wants to get me a dog so I will feel safe at the house when we return (or this is perfect timing and a great excuse for him to get one for himself). Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but I don't want one now.

Jordan's argument for a dog is: he wants one.

My argument: I have two kids to clean up poop after, why do I want to add cleaning up dog poop. I don't want my house to smell. I don't want to vacuum my house everyday (in all my spare time!!!!). I don't have time to take care of a dog during the day, I can barely wash the dishes and take a shower! Where is the money for a dog going to come from, vet bills, meds, grooming and, oh, a dogs got to eat!!!! Plus, I am not going to get up at 5 in the morning to walk a dog in the rain. I don't want my one year old carpet to smell like dog pee, and I don't really have time to train a dog. And lastly, I don't want a dog in the house all day, and I don't think it is fair for a dog to be stuck in the garage or outside all the time.

Well, now that I am done venting, I feel better. I am still considering it, but Jordan said that it is up to me. He doesn't want to get one unless I am okay with it, but the begging will probably stick around. I told Jordan that this dog will be his responsibility because I don't have time to devote to the dog. If I give in, I don't really want a German Shepherd because we have lots of kids going in an out of our house a lot. German Shepherds are very protective an territorial. By the way, Jordan is getting Chase to walk around the house all day asking for a dog!!! Cute, Jordan, cute. Feel free to comment on your opinions!


Matt and Amanda Bruns said...

I have to side with you on this one Megan. :) I DO NOT want a dog (or cat for that matter). Luckily Matt doesn't really want any pets either. We might get a goldfish or something someday but they're easy to take care of. Your arguments are my arguments about a dog - too much work when you already have kids and COST!

Deanna McAlister Hosea said...

Okay. I was with you until the read the entry about your house being robbed. Now I'm with Jordan. You can get an adult at the pound. They're pretty great! BTW...my mother-in-law had to put Millie down around Thanksgiving. She started going bad very quickly. She would drink water and just not stop. She would walk until she was exhausted and just fall down fatigued. The vet thought she might've had a lesion on her hypothalamus.

Anonymous said...

Go for the alarm, not the dog. Having a dog is nice at times, but all the reasons you listed for NOT wanting one are right on. And the bigger the dog, the bigger the poo. And you can't get much bigger than the horse at our house. Don't forget the random barks that can ruin naptime...or begging for food at the table...or dog hair...and dog hair...with dog hair on top.