Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our life!

Our life has been crazy lately. Between trying to work more to save for maternity leave and dealing with the heat, I am exhausted!! We have been doing a lot more inside activities to stay cool. I am always on the look out for new activities for Chase, lately we discovered Perler beads. Chase is fascinated by them.
Recently we bought back packs for the kids just because they are convenient to carry stuff to church and other places. They clung to them in the store like we had bought them a most prized possession. When we got home we could barely pry them off of the kids. Chase was crushed when we told him that he wasn't going to school. Too cute!!

Mariah turned 2 in August, and I still can't believe it. She is such the little princess. She is into all things pink, princess and Tinkerbell. She has really come into her own personality. It has been fun to start doing girly things together with her too. It is going to be interesting having two little princesses running around. We had a small family party this year and she enjoyed every minute of it!! We bought her a play kitchen, and her and Chase have been preparing all sorts of gourmet meals for Jordan and I!

In baby news, I have 9 weeks left, wahoo!!! I am ready to get this last kid out and be done with pregnancy. She is doing well and we are praying that God will continue to keep her safe for the last couple weeks. She finally has a name, Ayla Grace, and I can't wait to meet her. I am still due November 7th but we will keep everyone posted.

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