Monday, September 29, 2008

Pee Pee in the potty!

We have started potty training Chase, finally!! We started after he had a bad rash, and I think he was ready to get rid of the diapers and wipes. Let me tell you our secret, M&Ms and a pee pee dance. So, to any of you who visit our house and our potty, you get two M&Ms when you use the potty!! We ask him every couple of hours if he has to go and sometimes he tells us. It is just a start, but how wonderful would it be to only have one in diaper (and how much money we would have). Hope this picture doesn't offend anyone, but I think it is cute.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Train show

As most of you know, Chase loves trains. No, Chase LOVES TRAINS!!! My child is obsessed with them. This kid could spot a train from a mile away, or hear one a mile away. This afternoon, Jordan and I, along with Grammy and Grandaddy, took Chase to a train show at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. The show is mostly for train collectors, but appeals to train lovers as well. There was Thomas the train stuff everywhere. Chase had a blast, and even got to sit in small train engine and blow the whistle. Seeing Chase's face light up makes me the happiest parent in the world. I just love doing things for my kids that I know they love and enjoy! Being a parent now makes me even more thankful for the things my parents did for me when I was a kid. Thank you Grammy and Grandaddy for being great parents and grandparents.

One Month Old!

I cannot believe that Mariah is already one month old. I feel like Jordan and I just brought her home yesterday. She has definitely brought even more laughter, fun and sunshine into the Binder household. She is such a joy and I cannot wait to watch her grow. She is more awake during the day now, and listens to all of Chase's funny noises as she makes some of her own. So far she is still very mellow and peaceful, hopefully that will stay!! Jordan loves his little girl and snuggles with her every chance he gets. I am glad we chose Jordan as her middle name, because she is destined to be "daddy's little girl."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Toe update.

Sunday morning our pediatrician called to check on Mariah (so nice of him) but he was a little concerned that her toe was still infected. He went ahead and called CHKD and told them to admit us. We sat in the ER for a couple of hours and then a couple more when we actually got through the doors. Finally, later that night they started all of the blood work on her. Watching your three-week-old child get an IV (two attempts of it as well) is not fun. She screamed her head off. Then three trys for a heel stick, the blood was clotting to fast. I will say, the little infant hospital gown was adorable, we almost tried to take it home. We were told to plan on staying 2 to 3 days. They gave her a couple of doses of IV antibiotics and we ended up only having to stay two days. They sent us home late monday night with more antibiotics and some follow up appts. So far it is slowly doing better. Amazing that an ingrown toenail could land you in the hospital. Thank you for all of your prayers!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sick and Sicker!

I knew this day would come eventually, but I was trying to delay it. One child is sick and the other isn't (well not with a cold anyway), and we are trying to keep it that way. Chase has come down with a cold, and we are praying that Mariah doesn't catch it. It is very hard to keep Chase away from Mariah totally, but we are trying to keep his loving kisses away from her face. I told him that his nose was sick and we didn't want "ya ya" to get it, he responded with "yeah mama." Now, to Mariah. Jordan and I noticed that her toe was very red and looked infected last night after her bath. There is a lot of green pus under her nail and her whole toe is very red and swollen. I called our doctor and we were told to bring her in on Saturday morning. The infection is larger than the doctor had seen in newborns and is due to their toenails being soft and curling under. The problem is that because she is so young and small they are worried that her body cannot fight the infection yet. We are to watch it today and tonight, and if it worsens or she runs a fever we have to take her to the emergency room and have her treated with an IV. Please pray that God will heal her little toe and keep her cold free!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time with Chase.

Although Chase is doing very well with having another sibling, we are still trying to do special things just for him. Yesterday we took Chase to Kangaroo Jacks, a kids place filled with lots of inflatable slides and bouncers. Running around there for two hours is enough to put any child into an assured nap time afterwards. Chase had so much fun running around and of course had no fear jumping on and off slides. Honestly I don't know who had more fun, Chase or Jordan. While the boys were playing, Mariah slept peacefully in her sling! The place is only a couple dollars per kid for an unlimited amount of time, so we will definitely be visiting them again.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Answer to prayer.

As some of you may know, Mariah had been having trouble eating and gaining weight. Since we stopped giving her formula, she has been nursing only (another answer to prayer). Her 2 week check up weighed her in at 6.12 lbs! Yeah! Thank you God that she is finally nursing well and gaining enough weight.