Sunday, September 27, 2009

Leaves and Shoes!

Yesterday morning we awoke to a beautiful crisp autumn day, perfect for playing. I took Chase outside to swing in the fresh air, finally free from mosquitoes!! We ended up talking about fall and why the leaves fall from the trees. We decided to collect some and make an art project. Its amazing how a little dab of glue can end up everywhere!! We ended the day by making fun pumpkin cookies.

Mariah, at one-year-old, has quite the shoe fetish already. Ninety five percent of the time we find her grazing the house with shoes on her hands. I pry them from her tight grip every chance I get because shoes have got to be the dirtiest things ever, but not 5 minutes later she is sneakily scouring the house for another pair. She usually doesn't put them in her mouth, thank God, but just walks around showing everyone her diamond possessions.

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